Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Difference Between \n, \r, and Environment.NewLine

  • CR (Carriage Return)
  • Same as (char)13
  • Used as a new line character in Unix
  • LF (Line Feed)
  • Used as a new line character in Mac OS
  • CR + LF (Carriage Return + Line Feed)
  • Used as a new line character in Windows
  • Any of the above codes, based on the Operating System
  • This is the preferred method

Monday, May 16, 2011

Formatting the Same Line of Text with Different Word Styles

I was having an issue applying multiple Microsoft Word styles to the same line of text using the Word Interop. Each time I set a style to a substring, Word would apply that style to the entire line of text.

This was happening because the “Style type” was “Paragraph”. Therefore, whenever I set the style to one part of the paragraph, it would apply it to the entire paragraph. To fix this problem, I changed the style type to “Character”.  This allowed me to format a line with multiple styles, as long as each style was a “Character” style type.

If you are curious, below is the C# code I used to add the formatted text:

public void AddFormattedText(
    Word.Range range, string text, string style)
    object refStyle = style;

    // Get position to start formatting
    // (before inserting text)
    int startFormat = range.End;

    // Insert the text

    // Get position to end formatting
    // (after inserting text)
    int endFormat = range.End;

    // Create a new range between the
    // start and end positions
    Word.Range formatMe = range;
    formatMe.SetRange(startFormat, endFormat);

    // Format the range between the
    // start and end positions
    formatMe.set_Style(ref refStyle);

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tab and Newline Characters in Resource Files

Tab and newline characters cannot be added to resource files (.resx) by using “\t” or “\r\n”. This is because these escape sequences are C# specific while resource files are language independent.

Instead, you must explicitly add the tab or newline. If using the Visual Studio resource editor, you cannot insert a tab into a cell. The easiest way to get around this is to type your string (with tabs) in Notepad, then copy and paste into the resource editor. Newlines can be inserted directly into the resource editor by pressing Shift+Enter.

If you have to use the  “\t” in your resource file, then you can add code to replace the “\t” with actual tab characters:

string s = Resources.ResourceName.Replace("\\t", "\t");

Similarly, you can replace the “\n” with actual newline characters:

string s = Resources.ResourceName.Replace("\\r\\n", "\r\n");

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to Auto Resize Button Depending on Text

If you need a button to automatically resize to fit the text it contains, then simply change the “AutoSize” property to “True”, the “AutoSizeMode” property to “GrowAndShrink”, and the “AutoEllipsis” property to “False”.

If you would like a minimum button size, then set the button Size property to what you would like the minimum button size to be and set the “AutoSizeMode” to “GrowOnly”.

Keep in mind that the UI layout and other elements may need to be adjusted since the button size is now dynamic.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

CultureInfo.CurrentCulture for New Threads

The CultureInfo.CurrentCulture for each thread is independent. When a new thread is created, the CurrentCulture is set to the default system locale information, rather than the CurrentCulture of the calling thread. The following code demonstrates this:

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CultureInfo cultureInfo = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = cultureInfo;

            Console.WriteLine("Main Thread Culture: {0}"

            Thread t = new Thread(NewThread);

        static void NewThread()
            Console.WriteLine("New Thread Culture: {0}"

The output is the following:

Main Thread Culture: French (France)
New Thread Culture: English (United States)